Xiaomi overtakes Apple to become the second largest smartphone maker in the world
Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Xiaomi has overtaken Apple as the second-largest smartphone maker in the world.
Chinese smartphone manufacturer, Xiaomi has overtaken Apple as the second-largest smartphone maker in the world.
Zhou Qunfei is generally recognised as one of the world's richest self-made women.
The inaugural edition of Bank Wars, a FIFA 21 Gaming competition for leading Nigerian banks, will come to an exciting ...
Action in prospect as 4 banks contest semi-final clashes at Tech Experience Centre.
Samsung has regained its top global spot as the tech giant shipped more smartphones in Q1 of 2021 than any ...
The top 10 most innovative companies extensively adopted AI as part of their innovation strategy.
For the first time since 2016, Apple has topped Samsung on the worldwide smartphone sales chart.
The company said its profits increased by 58% from July - September.
Samsung Electronics announced, Friday morning, that it would temporarily move some of its smartphone production from South Korea to Vietnam.
Popular Blackberry branded smartphones would not be sold or produced by TCL anymore from August 2020.