Percipio brings about a Rebirth in Corporate Learning. It is the most advanced intelligent learning platform that delivers an immersive learning experience by leveraging highly engaging content, curated into over 500 learning paths (channels) continuously updated and mapped to competencies and skills valued by leading organisations. With Percipio, learning is achieved through an experience that supports employees in the flow of work.
For over 27 years, pcl. (Phillips Consulting) has provided high-quality capacity development initiatives to turbo-charge organisations for optimal business performance. Partnering with world-class talent development firms to provide well-suited solutions to cater to different learning styles and ensure learning occurs with ease of translating knowledge on the job.
Pcl.’s techniques can help you save as much as 68% over traditional training methods with Skillsoft’s virtual learning award-winning content and unmatched experience Pcl.’s interventions result in stronger skills, more engaged employees, lower costs and higher business returns. Over 70% of learners on the pcl. platform agree that digital learning solutions received have boosted their career development.
Through the Embedded Learning Synchronized Assistant (ELSA), Percipio gives users the ability to search, discover, and learn in the context of their everyday work without leaving their browser. It engages learners with consumer-like experiences, micro-learning (three to five-minute learning nuggets) that fits into busy schedules, and a mobile app, so learning can happen anywhere, anytime, and on any device.
Percipio can run on its own and can be integrated with a Learning Management System. Organisations can implement and access proprietary resources and learning assets from other sources on Percipio.
Percipio offers various learning paths (channels) for you to choose from. Our top-rated programmes are:
- Leadership Development Programme
- Business Skills Training
- Digital Transformation Training
- Digital skills training
- Technology, developer, and certification solutions.
Employees are the greatest assets of any organisation; they directly affect the productivity level and overall bottom line. To remain relevant and competitive, organisations must constantly upskill its workforce. With Percipio, you will experience world-class learning that drives business outcomes and helps your people achieve their fullest potential.
Contact: Modupe Thomas-Owoseni on+234 (0) 813 774 6658 or Olayemi Olatunji on +234 (0)7036583697 to sign up for Percipio