I checked my monthly expenses recently and found out my spend on both diesel and fuel cost was beginning to take a huge chunk of my monthly income. It’s something that gave me huge concerns so I decided to embark on a quest to seek out solutions to cut it back. It is not an easy task considering that you get to deal with unpredictable and inconsistent power supply however, its better than giving up and seeing your hard earned money evaporate.
Buy diesel and fuel yourself– Due to work and the fact that I close late buying fuel products to power my gen can be a huge challenges. So often times I end up sending my gate man or driver. But I soon realize whenever I go buying it myself the fuel or diesel last longer during usage. Now, this may either be because I go buying with my car so the fuel attendants have no reason not to sell the full amount I requested for. It could also be that my driver or gate man cheats me. Whatever the reason is, it is simply better to go and buy it yourself.
Avoid Rogue Filing Stations – Some filing stations are notorious for adjusting their meters and selling fuel to you for a quantity less than what you paid for it. Its a known fact and motorist easily identify such stations. Try to avoid them at all cost.
Avoid neighborhoods with poor power supply – Whilst power is evidently bad in most parts of the country, it is often worse in some parts. When seeking for an accommodation, it is best you avoid areas with poor power supply no matter the allure because if you don’t soon you will start cringing in frustration.
Avoid Power Consuming Electronics – I decided to purchase a bigger TV last year and while trying to be frugal bought s plasma screen TV. Unfortunately, I did not realize plasma screen consume more power than LCD‘s. Your diesel or fuel tend to burn faster when you use power consuming electronics. Try to avoid them at all cost or at least minimize the usage.
Switch off unused power – As mentioned above, power guzzlers increase your electricity cost no matter if it is Nepa or gen. In the same vein, it is important to turn off unused electronics in your house and turn down some of usage is not mandatory. For example, you can reduce the number of light bulbs or turn down their intensity. You can also reduce your fan or AC from high to medium.
Get an Inverter – Inverters are useful alternatives to power supply even thought they have their own unique limitations. However, they help reduce power cost as they cost very little to maintain. Once bought, the only thing you need to change often are the batteries which you make once a year on the average. Inverters can also last 4-8hours depending on capacity and usage.
Get a UPS – A UPS immediately helps power your electronics and reduce surge when power goes off. You might be watching a TV program than ends in 10mins and them power suddenly goes off. Rather than switch the gen and burn diesel or fuel cost, your UPS comes on automatically and sees you through the rest of the program. Imagine if you were about to go out immediately after the program?