Investors pump N7 billions into New Gold ETF
The tendency to rush to gold is because it has become a safe haven given its relative stability.
The tendency to rush to gold is because it has become a safe haven given its relative stability.
Gold futures kept the momentum up as more investors turned to the safe-haven asset.
The dollar’s rise to a near two-week high in the previous session subdued gold’s advance.
The commodity typically gains when there are increased stimulus measures from major central banks
Gold futures have been down lately, as global investors lose interest in various safe haven assets and instead, commence investments in riskier assets.
Spot gold, which monitors real-time trades in bullion, plunged by 1.75%, to close at $1,684.21.
Gold fell on Friday morning to $1,717.10. as global investors await the release of Friday’s U.S non-farm payrolls data for May
Spot gold gained 0.9% to $1,741.61 per ounce by 8 am Nigerian local time, while U.S. Gold futures gained 0.3% ...
Gold prices jumped on Friday as China and America’s drift deepened over further moves by China to impose security laws ...
Gold futures fell 1.70% to $1,706.06 by 4 pm local time, with global investors retreating from the pullback from gold after hopes were strengthened