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Dangote, GTBank, Unilever, Okomu Oil drive the bullish train with N136 billion

Value of shares traded by top 10 stockbrokers up 133% despite COVID-19, investors, Raging Bulls lift Brent Crude price by 10%

Nigeria’s stock market on Tuesday sustained interest in most high cap stocks. Transactions on the equities side continued the upbeat trend today, causing the All-Share Index (ASI) to rise further by 1.09 per cent to close at 24,202.87 index points. Also, overall market capitalization gained N136 billion to close at N12.441trillion.

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Top gainers

OKOMUOIL up 9.99% to close at N64.4; UNILEVER up 9.85% to close at N15.05; PRESCO up 3.62% to close at N41.5; DANGCEM up 2.79% to close at N147.5; GUARANTY up 2.42% to close at N23.3.


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Top Losers

LASACO down 8.00% to close at N0.23; NAHCO down 4.51% to close at N2.33; INTBREW down 3.00% to close at N4.85; WAPCO down 0.44% to close at N11.3, and FIDSON down 0.32% to close at N3.1.

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The positive sentiment in Nigeria’s stock market came as crude oil prices sustained recovery, with the gradual return of normal life after months of lockdowns, which initially changed the demand pattern for crude oil.

Nairametics expects this bullish trend to continue short term in the face of profit-taking, price adjustment, qualification dates and positioning as players react to impressive corporate earnings and dividend payouts.

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