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Electricity Tariff Hike: DisCos file application for electricity tariffs review with NERC 

power distribution NERC

Eleven electricity distribution companies have applied for a review of rates with the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Agency (NERC).

This was revealed in a statement by the NERC on Friday.  

According to the statement, the eleven successor discos application is hinged on the need to ensure the electricity rate is in sync with current macroeconomic dynamics.  

NERC calls for comments from stakeholders and the public 

The statement also called on members of the public and stakeholders to add their comments o the rate review applications filed by the DisCos.  

The statement further reads, 

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NERC to conduct rate case hearing before taking a decision 

Furthermore, the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission will conduct a rate case hearing and extends participation to members of the public who are interested.  


In June, a 40% hike in electricity tariff was mooted to begin on July 1. However, pressure from the NLC made the distribution companies shelve the plan.  

Nairametrics recently reported the DisCos confirmation not to increase their tariff as they await a directive from the NERC.  


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