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Best performing Nigerian stockbroking firms in 2022

10 top performing Nigerian stockbroking firms in February 2023

Key Highlights

Cardinalstone, Stanbic IBTC, and Apt Securities led the list of top-performing stockbroking firms in Nigeria for 2022, having brokered the trade of shares worth N934.54 billion, accounting for 0.4% of the total shares traded in the Nigerian equities market.

This is according to the annual broker performance report for 2022, released by the Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX).

A total of 201.99 billion units of shares were traded in the local bourse in the year valued at N2.34 trillion. This is 15.9% and 22.5% higher than the 174.24 billion units and N1.91 trillion recorded in the previous year.

Meanwhile, the All-Share Index of the NGX, which is used to track the performance of the equities market closed the year at 51,251.06 points, representing a 19.98% gain Year to Date compared to 43,046.78 points recorded at the start of the year.

It is worth adding that the 19.98% gain recorded by the Nigerian equities market is higher than the 6.07% recorded in the previous year, but was however lower than the 50.03% gain printed in 2020.

Nairametrics presents a ranking of the top 10 best-performing stockbroking firms in the country based on the volume of shares brokered and the value for the year 2022.

Top stockbrokers by value

The top 10 performing stockbroking firms in 2022 traded a total of N1.55 trillion worth of shares, accounting for 66.20% of the total value of shares traded in the year.


Top stockbrokers by volume

The top 10 performing stockbrokers by volume, traded 128.06 billion units of shares in 2022, representing 63.4% of the total shares traded in the stock market in the review period.


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