- If you missed the first part of this series, you can click here to read it.
As far as this world is concerned the only prosperity that truly benefits you is your personal prosperity. You achieve personal prosperity, when you convert a part of the global wealth into your own personal wealth. To do this you need two Things-Advantages and opportunities. Your advantages are what you must bring into the year to make that year prosperous for you while opportunities are what the year must offer you to enable you create wealth in that year. This means that in any given year there are no pre-existing wealth waiting for you. What you have are potential opportunities which you must then convert to wealth using your advantages.
Unfortunately, not many know how to convert opportunities into wealth. While the year come full with numerous opportunities, only a few can convert those opportunities into wealth. But unless you learn how to identify and convert the opportunities within the year using what you have, prosperity will elude you. In Part 1 of this article, we discussed the nine advantages that you must have to leverage the opportunities this year. In this article we will discuss the other three factors that can affect your prosperity this year.
The first of them is your disadvantages and the limitations that you bring into the year. The second is the kind of Opportunities that a year offers and whether you can convert them into wealth. And the third is how you live within a year and whether that life increases or decreases your disadvantages. So, without further ado let’s look at each of these factors and how they can affect you this year.
The disadvantage and limitations that you bring into the year
Disadvantages are factors that reduces your chances of success within a given year. While limitations are the obstacles you must overcome to make progress each year. While limitations are inevitable and are present in your life until you achieve all your goals, disadvantages are avoidable and should be eliminated or reduced within the year. Some of the common disadvantages that can reduce your chances of success includes having a high maintenance lifestyle, making poor health choices, making dangerous investment decisions, increasing your financial load and wealth inhibiting or draining relationships, poor savings culture, debt etc. The most beneficial thing to do to your disadvantages is to eliminate them. To do this you need to grow in knowledge and develop a more disciplined and accountable lifestyle. While everyone can claim to have discipline, only a few have discipline in areas that can creates wealth for them. Most people have discipline in areas that increases their liabilities and expenses. Thus, to create wealth and prosperity this year you must develop discipline in areas that matter to wealth.
Your limitations can also hold you back from achieving success this year. Some of the common ones include a low or single income, a job-based or low-income skills, lack of wealth-creating relationships, lack of a wealthy mindset, Lack of purpose and a clear life direction, lack of the right mentorship and accountability partners etc. The only way to overcome your limitations is to develop new and advanced knowledge and to discipline yourself to apply that knowledge. The best way to upgrade your knowledge this year is through reading, positive exposures, positive relationships or mentorship etc. This means that to create wealth this year you must push yourself outside your comfort zone. Doing what you have always done will only give you the results you already have. To get a different and better result, you must do the things that your next level of success requires you to do.
The opportunities that exist in a year
Every year brings with it two kinds of opportunities-The first is the opportunity to make money and the second is the Opportunity to lose money. Everyone must choose within the year where they belong. The dilemma is the same Opportunity can make money for one person and lose money for the other person. This means that what truly counts within the year are not the opportunities themselves but whether you can leverage them to create wealth for yourself without losing money. Many increase their chances of losing money by coming into the year with unrefined and low quality advantages.
Only a few people enter the year with refined advantages that increases their chances of creating wealth. Thus if all you bring into the year is ignorance in wealth-creating matters, low-income skills, poor relationships, low savings culture and so on you will end the year on the side of those that lose money. If, however you bring in better quality advantages you will end up with more prosperity. Thus what will create your financial miracles this year has a lot to do with you than the society, your employer or any other person for that matter.
How you increase your disadvantages
There is a significant difference between the advantages and disadvantages that you begin with at the start of the year and what you exit with at the end of the year. This means that during the course of the year you affect your advantages and disadvantages. The challenge is most people do not know how they affect their disadvantages and what they do to reduce their odds. Thus, during the course of the year most people lose their advantages and increase their disadvantages. To succeed this year, you must know how you increase your disadvantages or the things that can reduce your odds of success.
There are three things that can increase your disadvantages. The first is Financial Ignorance. Financial ignorance is the absence of the knowledge that you need to create the financial results that you desire. And there are three types of ignorance. The first is zero Knowledge-no one has absolute zero knowledge, but you can have zero knowledge in a particular area of your financial life. The second is wrong knowledge – The more wrong knowledge you have and apply within the year the more disadvantages you will create. The third and most dangerous is the right but unapplied knowledge. Most people know what to do it is the ability to apply that knowledge that is the problem. The more unapplied knowledge you have the more disadvantages you will create this year.
The second is relationships. The wrong relationships can increase your disadvantages. And there are two types of wrong relationships. The first are parasitic relationships-that is relationships that drain your income. And the second are wealth inhibitive relationships that is relationships that have negative and anti-wealth influences on you. If you hang around the wrong people, you will increase your disadvantages this year.
The third is Self- discipline and Accountability. You can achieve any goal that you set for yourself if you have the discipline to pay the price. Self-discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not. And the most successful people in the world all live self-disciplined life. But if self-discipline is not working for you the next best thing to do is to submit yourself for accountability. Accountability is choosing an external source of discipline when self-discipline is not giving you the desired results. Thus, the key to reducing your disadvantages this year is to reduce your ignorance, elevate your relationships and increase your discipline and accountability
If you need creating more prosperity in your life this year we can help you. Send an email to info@createsolidwealth.com
About The Author
Grace Agada is the most sought-after Financial Freedom Expert in Nigeria. She is a renowned Author, Financial Freedom Advisor and Keynote Speaker. Grace is Popularly known as the Queen of Financial Freedom, the Breadwinner’s Advocate and the Middle-Class to Upper-Class Mentor. Her goal is to help working professionals and breadwinners move their success and livelihood from a paycheck to their own solid passive Income. Grace is the Author of three books and possibly the most widely read financial articles. Her articles are spread across seven national newspapers and four of the most popular Nigerian Blogs. Grace is also the Founder of the University of Wealth, The Rich Retirement Life Quarterly Publication, The Wealth Creator Quarterly Report, and the Wealthy Business Blueprint Program. Grace has been featured on BBC Africa. Business Day TV. Inspiration FM. and inside Naijatv. And she consults for Numerous Top Organizations, Company Directors, CEOs, C-Suite Executives, and High-Income Professionals. To connect with Grace, send an email to info@createsolidwealth.com.