Data from the broker performance report by the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) for 2017 shows the top 10 stockbrokers on the Nigerian Stock Exchange traded 53.24% of the total number of shares traded in 2017. They also traded 75.23% or N1.9 trillion of the total value of shares traded on the NSE in 2017.
United Capital Securities leads in terms of volume
In terms of value, United Capital Securities traded 30.3 billion shares amounting to 15.12% of the total number of shares traded on the NSE in 2017. Stanbic Ibtc Stockbrokers Limited was next on the list with 15.3 billion or 7.65% of total volume traded. Rounding up the top three was CSL Stockbrokers Limited which traded 12.8 billion shares or 6.40% of the total volume of shares traded in 2017.
Stanbic Ibtc stockbrokers leads in terms of value
Stanbic Ibtc Stockbrokers led the pack in terms of value as it traded N403.4 billion or 15.85% of the total value of shares traded on the NSE. Meristem Stockbrokers Limited traded N338.6 billion or 13.30% of the total value of shares traded on the NSE. Rounding up the top 3 in terms of value was CSL Stockbrokers Limited which traded shares valued at N312.7 billion or 12.29% of shares of the entire value of shares traded on the NSE.
Stanbic IBTC Stockbrokers Limited (SISL) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc, and a member of The Standard Bank Group. CSL Stockbrokers Limited is a fully owned subsidiary of FCMB Group and has over 30 years operating history on the Nigeria Stock Exchange.
Meristem Stock brokers Limited (MSBL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Meristem Securities Limited (MSL). United Capital Securities (formerly known as UBA Securities) is a subsidiary of United Capital.
The Nigerian Stock Exchange All Share Index appreciated by 42% last year, buoyed by renewed interest from foreign investors and enhanced foreign exchange liquidity.