ATMs have made sending and receiving cash very easy. You don’t really need to visit the bank to perform banking transactions. However, with the increased use of these machines, ATM related fraud has increased. In some cases, you will receive alerts when you have not used your card. So, don’t just insert your ATM card in any machine. We gather some signs to look out for whenever you use an ATM.
Pinhole camera
Almost every ATM comes with a pinhole camera. The camera captures every person who uses the machine. So, before you use the machine, you should check whether the camera has been tampered with or not. A cyber thief may just be waiting at the other end to pounce on your hard-earned money.
Check number pad
The number pad usually works alongside the camera. Another number pad is usually placed on the original ATM number pad by the ATM thief. Once the number pad is installed, anyone who uses that particular machine is at risk of losing his money.
Beware of the ATM location
It is safer to use an ATM which is located at the bank premises. It is difficult to walk into a bank and manipulate the ATM. Jumia Travel advises that you avoid using random ATMs. And if you don’t trust ATM, you perform your transaction in the banking hall.
The wanderer
The wanderer doesn’t have anything to do than to observe and watch every person who uses the ATM in order to dispossess them of their money. This usually happens at weird hours of the day. Again, use the ATM situated at a bank.