Samsung reported a heist in one of its factories that saw thieves cart away with phones, computers etc. It’s a stunt movie lovers would be familiar with.
The police report, as related to Reuters by the spokesman for the state security secretariat, reads like the script of a daring crime movie.
1. After stopping the shuttle on its way to the factory, 7 armed assailants took over the vehicle while colleagues took all but two of the eight employees originally on board to a remote location, where they were set free.
2. Just before midnight, the assailants proceeded with the two other employees to the factory,
3. where they disarmed security guards, gathered the rest of the plant’s employees
4. and made sure none of them could communicate with the outside.
5. With the coast clear, the attackers then allowed 13 other culprits, driving the getaway trucks, into the factory.
6. The robbers, communicating with one another by radio and cell phones, then proceeded to load the vehicles with the loot.
7. Using stills allegedly taken from the factory security cameras, local news media showed images of the alleged thieves, dressed in black and wearing dark headgear, roaming about the factory and pushing crates of goods toward the trucks with pallet loaders.
Isn’t that fascinating? Let’s hope they caught soon.