Important Note: The figures presented below are not audited. For audited figures please download the Money Counsellors Annual Report on Pensions (MCARP 2022) and Financials’ Section of each individual fund and PFA, available in the Literature & Downloads section of each respective fund on the website.
Also with effect from 1 December, following the merger of Sigma Pensions and First Guarantee Pension, the reporting of the latter will cease.
Fund I is accessible strictly by formal request of the contributor and only for those aged 49 years and below.
For the month of November 2022 Oak Pensions Fund I led the performance table, with a return of (2.16%) followed by Norrenberger Pensions Fund I (2.02%), then NLPC PFA Fund I (2.02%).
Year to date the performance table of Fund I is topped by the Stanbic IBTC Pensions Fund I (11.77%), followed by First Guarantee Pension Fund I (10.79%) and NPF Pensions Fund I (9.89%). This trio of funds have continued to hug these spots. Since inception, the Stanbic IBTC Pensions Fund I continues to lead the pack with a return of 109.90%. If an investor had subscribed to the Stanbic IBTC Fund I on the day the fund launched, that initial investment has have increased 109.90% after fees.
Kudos the Stanbic IBTC Pensions Fund I portfolio managers. However, with asset allocation for the fund as at 30 November broken down as Bonds 0.00%; Equities 5.39%; Money Market 28.01%; Alternative Assets 2.03%; Others 65.56%; it’s currently hard to ascertain where the returns are coming from. Watch this space, we will update as soon as we have more information.
Fund II Fund II is the default fund for all active pension fund contributors that are 49 years and below.
For the month of November 2022 NPF Pensions Fund II led the performance table, with a return of 1.73% followed by Tangerine APT Pensions Fund II (1.72%), then Trust Fund Pensions Fund II (1.60%).
Year to date, the best performing Fund II as at 30 November 2022 was Premium Pension Fund II (9.53%), followed by NPF Pensions Fund II (9.49%), then Leadway Pensure PFA Fund II (9.08%).
Fund III is the default fund for active contributors that are 50 years and above.
For the month of November 2022 NPF Pensions Fund III led the performance table, with a return of 1.48% followed by CrusaderSterling Pensions Fund III (1.45%), and Tangerine APT Pensions Fund III (1.26%).
Year to date, the best performing Fund III as at 30 November 2022 was the First Guarantee Pension Fund III now up (10.24%), followed by the Veritas Glanvills Pensions Fund III up 9.44% and the Sigma Pensions Fund III up 9.36% haven overtaken Leadway Pensure PFA Fund III (9.16%).
Fund IV Fund IV is strictly for retirees only. For the month of November 2022 NPF Pensions Fund IV led the performance table with a return of 1.30%, followed by Tangerine APT Pensions Fund IV with a return of 1.23% and CrusaderSterling Pensions Fund IV with a return of 1.17%.
First Guarantee Pension Fund VI overtook Leadway Pensure PFA Fund IV as the best performing Fund IV to 30 November 2022, with a return YTD of 10.58%. Leadway Pensure PFA Fund VI returned 10.40% YTD whilst CrusaderSterling Pension followed with a YTD return of 10.18%.
Fund V Fund V is only for Micro Pension Fund contributors. Whilst not all PFA’s offer Fund V, the performance of those that do and publish prices and other information on their website shows that the best performing Fund V as at 30 November 2022 were as follows:
Fund VI (Active) is for those that choose to have their contributions invested in Non-interest Money and Capital Market Products. For the few that offer and publish information on the Fund VI (Active), the table and chart depict the respective fund performances in November and year to date:
Fund VI (Retiree) is for those that choose to have their contributions invested in Non-interest Money and Capital Market Products. For the few that offer and publish information on the Fund VI (Retiree), the table and chart depict the respective fund performances in November and year to date:
Global view of the investment returns of All funds since inception of each respective fund to 30 November 2022 (Unaudited)
The tables below have been compiled using the daily prices as published by each respective PFA. However, they are unaudited. They present a global view of returns of ALL funds for November 2022, year to date and since inception. To see your fund’s audited returns since inception to 31 December 2021 download the MoneyCounsellors Annual Report on Pensions (MCARP 2022). You can also go to the Literature and Download section of your fund on and download the individual report.
Download the Money Counsellors Annual Report on Pensions (MCARP 2022) for a full analysis of yours and other Pension Fund Administrators (PFA) in one single document.
The report presents a holistic review of the last five years of activities of all PFAs, and the funds managed, including 5-year summary company and fund accounts, ratios, fund performances, fund performance rankings vs. peers, asset allocation, AUM ranking, RSA ranking and much more. The Report is a must read for all 9.8m RSA holders and those thinking of signing up to a PFA or switching a PFA.
Our data and information provided is based on public data, our regulatory intelligence effort, from our archives, and other public sources such as from Fund Managers, FMAN, Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs), PenOp, etc.
We have taken care to ensure that the information is correct, but MoneyCounsellors neither warrants, represents, nor guarantees the information’s contents, nor does it accept responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or inconsistencies contained herein.
Because past performance does not predict future performance, it should not be used to make an investment decision. We make no product recommendations. No news or research item on our website or in this document should be interpreted as a personal recommendation to buy, sell, or switch any investment. Investments and the income generated by them rise and fall in value, so you may receive more or less than you invested.
By Michael Oyebola – 9 December 2022
LinkedIn: Michael-Oyebola
Twitter: @MoCounsellors