The table below contains a listing of all the results released in 2017 for companies quoted on the Nigerian stock exchange. It includes full year and quarterly results released from time to time and published on the website of the NSE.
The table displays revenues, profits, taxes and earnings per share of the selected companies.
Note: This table excludes banks and insurance companies.
All figures are in millions of naira except for earnings per share.
[wpdatatable id=313 table_view=regular]
Do you have other information that you will like to see added to this table? Did we miss out any company on your watchlist? Drop a comment and we could consider adding to this table.
Why is it that OANDO’s Q1 & H 1, 2017 results have been updated?
pls I need daily stock price list (or monthly share price) of oil and gas companies on the Nigerian Stock Exchange 2010 to 2016