Technology and innovation have overtime been evolving in the banking industries all over the world. Financial institutions have been floating products and services that provide financial inclusion and ease in accessing bank services.
In view of this, Keystone Bank Limited’s customers can now transact banking services at their conveniences on the new ‘Keystone Bank Mobile App’ with zero data.
In a statement made available to the public, the Managing Director of Keystone Bank Ltd, Dr Obeahon Ohiwerei said the feature enables its customers to enjoy banking services on their mobile phones without data.
“In our fast-paced and evolving digital world, service literally has to be at the speed of thought.
“The rules of engagement are changing so fast that customers’ expectations are as diverse as our lifestyles and choices.
“It is no longer a question of stepping out to the bank but about the convergence of innovative services, digital technology and Omni-channel platforms coming to us at breakneck speed,’’ Ohiwerei was quoted.
Features of the zero data mobile app
Notable features of the mobile app are easy to account opening, convenient self-booking and liquidation of fixed deposits.
Others are an expanded list of bill-payment options, easy activation of standing instructions, recurrent future payments, “Switch Card on/off option’’ which allows users to disable their cards temporarily if missing and re-enabling at the click of a button.
Also included in the features are “Hide Balance Feature’’ an additional safeguard against third-party viewing and the “Meet Your Relationship Manager Option” which allows users to call or email their account officers within the app.
About Keystone
Keystone Bank Limited, commonly referred to as Keystone Bank, is a commercial bank in Nigeria. The bank is one of the commercial banks licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria, the national banking regulator.
Keystone Bank offers banking services to large corporations, public institutions, small to medium enterprises (SMEs) and individuals. The bank is a large financial services provider in Nigeria.
I was waiting to read about the zero data part…