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Meet the billionaire twins who bought $10m worth of Bitcoin when it still sold for $8

Meet The Billionaire Twins Who bought $10m Worth Of Bitcoin When It Still Sold For $8

The digital asset economy has made many people rich. The current worth of Bitcoin, a digital asset that was trading a little above $100 in October 2013, is now near $60,000!

While many people were smart enough to invest in Bitcoin early, not many had the guts to go all out for it. Today, we are going to look at the identical twins who were crazy enough to invest heavily in cryptocurrency. The twins started investing in Bitcoin as early as 2012.

They are currently listed on the Forbes Billionaire List amongst the newcomers who reached a billion-dollar status due to their Bitcoin investing.

READ: Why intelligent investors are secretly buying Bitcoin

Meet the Winklevoss twins (worth $3 billion each) 

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss are currently worth $3bn each. They started investing in Bitcoin as early as 2012 when the cryptocurrency still sold for $8 and splurged a whopping $10m to purchase the crypto asset, making them one of the biggest and earliest investors in cryptocurrency.

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Their gamble paid off and today, they are worth a collective $6bn.

READ: Brutal losses hit crypto market amid fear of regulation

More investments in crypto 

The Winklevoss twins are not slowing down, they are instead, making further investments in cryptocurrency. Recently, they invested in a Bitcoin lending start-up named Block-Fi which is now valued at $3bn.

Battle with Mark Zuckerberg 

The Winklevoss twins are no strangers in Silicon Valley. They were Mark Zuckerberg’s classmates at Harvard and they once accused the tech billionaire of stealing their idea for Facebook.

A bitter legal battle between the two ended in the twins receiving significant cash and Facebook stock compensation from Zuckerberg. Some of their cash compensation was invested in cryptocurrency and it has indeed, paid off.

READ: U.S SEC Chair nominee says Bitcoin is transforming global finance

What you should know 

In their early days, cryptocurrencies witnessed an unstable growth path, rising and falling occasionally. This discouraged many people from investing heavily in it. The Winklevoss twins took the risk on Bitcoin and are now billionaires on Forbes list. Currently, they run their company, Gemini, a regulated cryptocurrency exchange, wallet and custodian that makes it simple and secure to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies.

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