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Short term buyers beware! Bitcoin drops $3000 in a few mins

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The world’s flagship crypto, Bitcoin, seems to be falling out of gas after gaining $4,000 in just some mins at the second trading session of 2021.

The most popular crypto asset had lost over $3,300 in value some hours ago after trading as high as $33,100 yesterday.

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However, it’s key to note, it recovered some of the losses stated above, as it bounced back above $34,000 at the time of writing this report.

Regardless of the prevailing drop witnessed at the flagship crypto’s market, Bitcoin is still on track to record its best winning streak in more than a year after, breaching the $30,000 price level over the weekend.

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Sequel to the plunge happening at the flagship crypto market, rich buyers of late have been using over-the-counter platforms in buying and selling huge amounts of Bitcoin which has been narrated as a positive signal for BTC. Merely two days after the outflows surged, BTC surged past $30,000, reaching $34,000.

READ: Fate of $2.3 billion worth of Bitcoins in Limbo

In addition, Jesse Cohen, a senior crypto analyst in a note to Nairametrics spoke on the outlook for Bitcoin in 2021.

However, as it gained more than 300% in 2020, many crypto experts wonder if BTC can continue such gain in 2021.

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