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Edo State empowers 200 women with N4 million grants and POS machines

The Edo State Government, through the Ministry of Social Development and Gender Issue, has empowered 200 women by providing them with Point of Sale (POS) machines and N4 million as a start-off grant.

Osato Ekhator, the ministry’s Public Relations Officer, announced this development on Monday, highlighting that the initiative aimed to celebrate and support women’s economic empowerment.

The distribution of POS machines and grants commenced on Friday, with 75 women benefiting on the first day, and an additional 125 set to receive theirs later in the week.

The women empowerment initiative

This initiative is designed to foster financial independence among the recipients, enabling them to navigate the challenges of the evolving economic landscape.

  1. The program is a collaborative effort involving the Edo State Government, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), and other partners.
  2. Osato Ekhator expressed the government’s commitment to ensuring that 200 women benefit from this program, emphasizing that the POS machines and N20,000 grants for each recipient are instrumental in supporting the women on their journey to self-sufficiency.


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Joel Zombu, the coordinator of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), highlighted the organization’s efforts to empower women across various spheres. He underlined GIZ’s collaboration with Nigeria, and its commitment to empowering MSMEs, youths, and women for improved business management.


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