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Terrorists destroy 2 TCN towers along Gombe–Damaturu 330kV corridor 

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has reported the destruction of two of its towers along the Gombe-Damaturu axis. The company explained that the event happened on the 23rd of February around 9 pm.  

This was disclosed in a statement signed by the General Manager of Public Affairs of the company where it stated that the TCN has arranged a temporary electricity supply to the Damaturu via the Potiskum transmission sub-station.  

The statement read,

TCN calls for the protection of power infrastructure 

The company noted that the destruction of critical infrastructure like this is highly regretted and called on relevant authorities at all levels of government to ensure the protection of power infrastructure.  

It also stated that arrangements are underway to mobilise contractors to the site to re-erect the destroyed towers.  

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The North-east Nigerian states of Borno, Yobe and Yola have been a hotbed of terrorist activities since 2009 with Boko-Haram at one time controlling an area the size of Belgium.

However, in the past few years, they have been degraded and restricted to the Sambisa Forest area but still carry one-off guerilla attacks on vulnerable communities and infrastructure.  

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