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NLC says the new negotiated minimum wage will be N100,000 or N200,000

NLC, Mr. Joe Ajaero

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) says that it is going to negotiate a new minimum wage of N100,000 or N200,000 due to the rising cost of living.

This was made known the President of NLC, Joe Ajaero, while appearing on a Channels Television programme, Politics Today, on Tuesday evening, where he noted that union and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) suspended the earlier planned strike in order to give the government time to fulfil its part of the agreement reached with organized labour.

Ajaero said that the N35,000 wage award that is part of the offer from government is not the new minimum wage which he said may be up to N200,000.

What the NLC President is saying

Ajaero during his appearance on Channels said,

Maintaining that the N35,000 wage award is not an addition to the country’s minimum wage of N30,000, the NLC chief said many factors would be considered in arriving at a new minimum wage.

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According to him, for a new minimum wage to take effect, the National Assembly will play a crucial role.

The NLC President added,

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