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Federal Government says 2023 national census will cost N400 billion

Jick Lawrence, Head, NPC Public Affairs Department in Platea

The Nigerian Government has disclosed that the 2023 census will cost the sum of N400 billion.

This was disclosed by Mr Jick Lawrence, Head, NPC Public Affairs Department in Plateau, capacity building workshop for journalists on effective reporting of census, in Jos on Monday.

He added that N100 billion had already been spent so far on preparations for the census. He said:

Importance of national census: He added that the census had far reaching socio-economic gains, explained that some of the funds would go into the empowerment of about 1.5 million Nigerians, citing that those empowered would be paid monies ranging from N100,000 to 150,000 per person.

The Census chief also revealed that FG will aquire,56,000 vehicles to enhance movement of personnel and materials, and about 800,000 Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), would be procured.

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On questionnaires to be issued, he also noted that new categories would be added including, ICT literacy, fertility and  child survival, deaths in the household in the last 12 months, difficulties in performing activities, sanitation, climate change, among others.

In case you missed it: Recall Nairametrics reported last week that the Federal Government through the National Population Commission (NPC) signed a landmark deal with Nigeria’s leading integrated technology brand, Zinox, for the supply of the tech components and other accessories for the 2023 national census project, further justifying President Muhammadu Buhari administration’s commitment on local content promotion.

The contract, worth over N85bn, was recently awarded to Zinox after ratification by the Federal Executive Council (FEC).

Zinox, which has already commenced supply of the first batch of about 100,000 units of the Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) devices required for the nationwide enumeration, emerged the undisputed and preferred technical partners for the exercise after scaling a rigorous bid process involving other local and international competitors

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