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SalesRuby to gather over 300 revenue leaders from Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana at the Africa Revenue Summit (AFRES2021)

The Africa Revenue Summit formerly known as Sales Leadership Conference (SLC) has evolved over the past four years as the largest convergence for revenue leaders across corporate Africa. The first, second and third editions hosted by SalesRuby held in Lagos, Nigeria in 2018, 2019 and 2020 respectively welcoming over 400 participants each year.

This year’s edition intends to gather over 500 participants from across Africa including Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa to discuss modern strategies, processes and techniques for driving the growth of companies and organizations. This year’s event; up from just focusing on sales; would be taking a deep-dive review of themes across the entire revenue value chain which would include sales, marketing, culture, people leadership etc.

The event which holds on Friday & Saturday, June 4th & 5th, 2021 at The Campbell Centre, Marina, Lagos will feature 25+ Speakers, 25+ Sessions across several distinct tracks. The theme of the summit is “Scaling Growth, Optimizing Margins”

Some of the speakers at AFRES 2021 include:

What to expect at the Africa Revenue Summit:

The speakers and leaders, which were selected from across four countries in Africa and across multiple fields related to the theme, will offer invaluable insights and actionable strategies to CEOs, Executive Directors, Head of Sales, Marketing Directors and associated stakeholders on such topics as:

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