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Ewelukwa replaces Amobi as NBET boss 

NBET boss Marilyn Amobi, sacked 

Barely 24 hours after Dr Marilyn Amobi was sacked from her position as Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trading Plc (NBET), Dr Nnaemeka Ewelukwa has been announced to take over from her.

In a statement released by NBET and issued by Aisha Waziri from the Corporate Services Department, NBET said Ewelukwa a general manager, and the pioneer General-Counsel/Company Secretary at NBET would be taking charge of the agencies’ operations as he has assumed office as the Acting MD/CEO of the company.

A look into Ewelukwa’s profile: Ewelukwa has been working at the firm since it was established by the Federal Government. With over 20 years of professional experience, spanning private practice, academia and currently, public service, he has also been part of the executive management team at NBET at a time.

Prior to joining NBET, the new acting MD had served as a technical adviser on electricity regulatory and transaction issues with the Presidential Task Force on Power that was set up by the Federal Government to lead the implementation of the reform road map for the power sector.

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Nnaemeka holds a Bachelors of Law degree from the University of Nigeria Nsukka and a Masters in International Business Law from the London School of Economics. He also holds a PhD from the Queen Mary, University of London focused on privatization and electricity legal reform in Nigeria.

The new NBET boss practised commercial and corporate law after his Call to the Nigerian Bar. While in the United Kingdom, he worked with the solicitors firm, Patterson Sebastian & Co and also taught International Trade Law at Middlesex University and SOAS, University of London.

Nairametrics had reported when the Minister of Power, Sale Mamman directed Marilyn Amobi to step down due to countless complaints against her. The ministry announced through its Twitter handle that the sack was in continuation of the re-organisation and sanitation in the ministry.

Due to the complaints, Mamman raised a five-member committee to investigate and come to the end of the matter. Following the directive from the ministry for Amobi to hand over to the most senior director in the organisation, NBET complied with its appointment of Ewelukwa.

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