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Flutterwave says you can now pay with a handshake

Flutterwave says you can now pay with a handshake

On Saturday March 30th, Flutterwave announced its latest technology — GlovePay — which enables Nigerians to pay for goods and services through mere handshakes; literally.

According to Flutterwave, the technology is actually a wearable glove, which comes in handy under three familiar circumstances-

  1. When users cannot find their ATM cards to make payments because they forgot them,
  2. When PoS machines are down and cannot accept payments, and
  3.  When users do not have “change”.

The company says the gloves are available to the first 1000 people to create new accounts on their website.  In any case, the gloves will eventually be given for free to all customers.

“We’re excited to unveil an amazing technology that’s the result of years of painstaking work. Say hello to #GlovePay.

“”I don’t have change,” “I forgot my ATM card,” “Our PoS is down,” are now outdated sentences. If you have our glove and the merchant has one, all you need to do is shake hands and payment is done. Amazing, right?”

Nigerians react

They think it’s April Fool stuff: Because this technology seems too good to be real, Nigerians are calling it Flutterwave‘s version of April Fool. This is because even though Flutterwave tried to explain (with the use of a YouTube video) how this so called technology works, it really did not explain its actual feasibility.

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Important questions were raised: It is easy to be carried away by the euphoria of this technology. After all, it’s like the thing of which Hollywood SCI-FIs are made of. But when you calm down for one second and think about, you begin to raise many questions.

First of all, if GlovePay is going to be distributed for free by Flutterwave, then how is the company going to make money from it?

Most importantly, when paying with GlovePay, how will the technology know how much exactly to deduct from customers’ accounts?

Other people gave more reasons why the invention simply can’t work in Nigeria – According to one comment on the Twitter thread, Nigerians are too fetish (not sexual wise) to be shaking everyone just for the sake of payment.

More reasons why GlovePay is “unrealistic”

  1. When happens when there is an epidemic like Ebola?
  2. Why should any sane person forget to take along their ATM cards but remember to wear a glove meant for payment?
  3. What happens when the glove gets dirty or is stolen?

What do you think? Is this for real or is it a dead idea?

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