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LCC e-Tag glitch gives Lekki commuters a temporary tax rebate

LCC e-Tag glitch gives Lekki commuters a temporary tax rebate

The Lekki Concession Company (LCC) e-Tag is an electronic toll collection system in operation at the Lekki-Ikoyi Link Bridge and Admiralty Circle Plaza. The e-Tag lanes are a reserved part of the toll that allow commuters to pay without using cash.

Referencing the toll at Admiralty Way which connects Ozumba Mbadiwe Road in Victoria Island with the Lekki Expressway, the Lekki Concession Company, on March 7th, sent the following email to its users:

“Kindly be notified that we are currently experiencing a system glitch which is impacting on some customers’ passages and the immediate upload of such customers’ account balance at the Admiralty Circle plaza.  Our technical team are currently working assiduously to resolve this issue whilst our team at the toll plaza are also available to assist customers in the lanes whilst we get this issue resolved. Please bear in mind that the systems will be updated accordingly and affected accounts once synchronized, will be charged for the passages made previously which were not immediately debited as it should.

“We however assure you that your accounts will not be unduly debited for passages not made, whilst account statements will also be made available to customers on request for better reconciliation and clarification.”

As of yesterday, March 20th, the system glitch has still not been corrected.

How have LCC toll commuters been impacted?

Users of the e-tag have noticed as far back as the last week of February that their balances have been frozen while using the toll. The freeze is such that a commuter with a N2,000 balance on Monday would notice the same N2,000 balance by Sunday. This is despite the fact that he/she must have used the toll daily from Monday through to Sunday.

Therefore, the glitch is preventing the system from deducting the daily cost of passing through the toll.

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Should commuters celebrate?

If you happen to have a low balance that would afford you only one or two more trips before needing to top up your account, you would be forgiven for thinking that fortune has smiled on you and blessed you with free rides. However, this is only temporary. Per the LCC email above, the system will be updated sooner or later and proper balances reflected.

LCC is still not providing real-time eTag balance updates

In what some commuters have described as a frustrating setback, the LCC is unable to provide eTag balances in real time. Users used to be able to send a text message with their account numbers to get their balance, but this service is no longer available. Checking your balance can be done in person at an LCC location or by sending an email to with a response expected within 24 hours. 

Next steps

Top up your balance in anticipation of the system correction. Commuters that fail to do so could find themselves stuck at the toll when the LCC reflects proper balances.

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