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CBN plans to limit buying and selling of forex in cash by BDCs to $500 

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is considering limiting the cash payment for buying and selling foreign currencies by Bureau De Change (BDC) operators to a maximum of $500 and ensure payments above the stipulated figure is done digitally. 

The apex bank disclosed this in its proposed revised regulatory guidelines for BDC operators in Nigeria published by the bank where it proposed that electronic transfer/purchase of foreign currencies are to be made to BDCs naira account. 

It stated,

Permissible and non-permissible activities if BDCs 

According to the bank, permissible activities by BDCs include; acquisition of forex from approved sources, sales of FX in line with its guidelines, serve as cashout points for IMTOs etc.  

On the other hand, the apex bank prevented BDC from engaging in street trading, account maintenance, accepting deposits and granting of loans, facilitating international outward transfers, dealing in precious stones and metals, establishing subsidiaries and others.  

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What you should know  

The CBN in recent times have blamed the whopping depreciation of the naira to speculation with the Governor stating the naira is “undervalued” and with time return to its true value.

The apex bank in the past few months have introduced a slew of initiatives aimed at boosting liquidity in the forex market and shoring up the value of the naira.  

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