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Cardoso confirms CBN headquarters is currently overpopulated

CBN, Olayemi Cardoso

The Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Olayemi Cardoso, has explained that the current move to relocate departments and personnel to other branches especially Lagos is due to overpopulation at the headquarters in Abuja.

This was made known by Cardoso while speaking during an interview on Arise Television on Monday, February 5, 2024, in reaction to the controversy that has trailed the apex bank’s decision since its announcement.

Cardoso, who expressed disappointment at the sensational slant to the issue, said the process was normal for any vibrant entity like a central bank.

Ensure more geographical spread of talent

The CBN Governor pointed out that the move was to align the bank’s structure with its functions and objectives and redistribute skills to ensure a more even geographical spread of talent.

We are hoping to ease the overpopulation

When asked if the CBN headquarters was above its carrying capacity, Cardoso replied in affirmation, stating,

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