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I&E Window: Exchange Rate sells for as high as N844/$1 closes at N768.16/$1

The exchange rate between the naira and the US dollar closed at N768.16 per dollar at the official Investor and Exporters window on Thursday, 20th July 2023. 

This represents a 3.22% appreciation against the US dollar compared to the previous day’s close of  N793.70/$1. 

However, the intra-day spot rate sold for as high as N844/$1 as price volatility continued to rock the exchange rate market.

Breakdown of data 

I&E FX windowThe official exchange rate opened at N787.13/$1 but reached a high of N844/$1 during intraday trading and a low of N700 per dollar. 

Parallel market – The naira weakened significantly against the US dollar at the parallel market on Thursday, closing at N860/$1. This was a 3.61% drop from the average rate of N830/$1 that prevailed on Wednesday. 

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External Reserves: The country’s foreign exchange reserves decreased slightly from the previous day to $33.995 billion to $33.98 billion as of July 19, 2023.

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