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MTN Nigeria Plc: Notice of Board Meeting.

MTN Nigeria Plc has notified its shareholders, the investing public and other relevant stakeholders that it will be hosting a Board of Directors Meeting on Thursday, October 28, 2021.

This is according to a notice signed by the company’s secretary, Uto Ukpanah, and filed with the Nigerian Exchange Limited (NGX).

According to the notice, the board meeting is scheduled to enable the Directors review and approve the company’s unaudited financial accounts for the nine months ending 30th of September, 2021.

In line with the post-listing requirements of the NGX, the company will be observing a closed period from October 1, 2021 until 24 hours after the financial results have been released to the NGX and made public. During the closed period, all insiders and their connected persons are prohibited from trading (i.e buying, selling, transferring or otherwise dealing) in the company’s shares.


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