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Presidency confirms attempted burglary at ASO Rock home of Chief of Staff

Ibrahim Agboola Gambari. 

The Presidency has confirmed that the home of the Chief of Staff, Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, was the scene of an attempted burglary incident and that the police is actively looking for a suspect. The Chief of Staff lives close to the Villa.

This was disclosed in a statement by the media aide to the presidency, Garba Shehu, on Monday evening.

What the Presidency is saying

“The Chief of Staff, Professor Ibrahim Gambari has confirmed that there “was a foolish attempt” to burgle his residence at 3:00 am this morning but it turned out to be unsuccessful.

Professor Gambari, whose house is on a street next to the Villa has assured that there is nothing to worry about from the incident.”

He added that the police was also actively searching for a suspected burglar who, as captured by CCTV, unsuccessfully attempted to break into the house of Maikano Abdullahi on Thursday, last week. Abdullahi also lives on the same street as the Chief of Staff, close to the Villa.

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