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NIPC to generate N1.46 billion from its activities in 2020 

NIPC to generate N1.46 billion from its activities in 2020

The Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) is expected to generate N1.46 billion from fees through its activities next year.  

Ms Yewande Sadiku the Executive Secretary of NIPC disclosed, that section 12 of the NIPC Act empowers the NIPC to apply fees charged for services rendered by it towards the discharge of its functions, in a letter to Mr Niyi Adebayo the honorable Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment. 

The Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission in the past, who has generated revenue from granting pioneer status to oil producing companies, is expected to contribute N1.46 billion to the purse of the federal government as internally generated revenue (IGR) in the coming 2020 fiscal year.  

However, to achieve the target IGR, the NIPC according to Ms Sadiku is employing the following strategies which include, development of an electronic business facilitation platform, the re-lunch of the One Stop Investment Centre, carrying out investment impact assessment, carrying out incentives impact assessment, development of facilitation databases, targeted investment promotion and proactive aftercare to the top 100 companies.   

The Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission, also plans to; improve its level of engagement in the zonesestablishment of an investment promotion club, strengthen the Freedom of Information Act disclosure and boost investment promotion strategies.  

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Meanwhile, the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission which was established by Nigerian Investment Promotion Act in 2004 to encourage, promote and co-ordinate investments in the Nigerian economy, has some of the following functions  


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