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Share your online banking experience with Agusto & co; new report coming soon!

Agusto & co, Banking experience

Technology has shaped a number of industries, from agriculture to beauty, manufacturing, fashion, building, and of course banking. Ever wondered how people saved money before the era of computing?

They had to physically walk to the nearest bank carrying wads of cash, filing in seemingly unending queues, and were required to fill lots of forms, papers and cheques. But thanks to innovation, banking services have evolved so much so that with the click of a button, you would have completed a transaction that cuts across geographical locations in seconds!

Online banking today involves banks developing new ideas and launching new products to ensure sending and receiving money is as fast, convenient and reliable as possible. With online banking, modern consumers can view their balances, transfer money, open new accounts and even pay for cinema tickets, cable and electricity subscription — all of which is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week..

However, as much as there are advantages of e banking, there are also downsides, and different people have their unique e-banking preferences. One question we may want to ask is how the banks are measuring customer online banking usage and tracking individual preferences.

Are customers satisfied with their online banking experiences or more can be done to improve such services by the banks? Agusto & Co., Nigeria’s foremost research company and have conducted a survey to assess the level of satisfaction among online banking customers in Nigeria.

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This survey was conducted to examine customer preferences and attitudes towards selected digital banking platforms with their respective banks.

From this survey, a report based on the findings will be published to highlight customer preferences, so that banks can start thinking of innovative techniques to enhance the online banking experience in Nigeria.

Also, through this survey, Agusto & Co. will be awarding a bank with the “Best bank on Agusto & Co.’s Consumer Digital Banking Satisfaction Index.”

So, let’s hear from you. What are your personal online banking experiences in Nigeria? Do you think there is room for improvement? How do you digitally bank – with USSD, via a website or a mobile app? How would you rate these platforms via your bank? Hurry now, FOLLOW Agusto & Co.’s social media @Agustoandco on Twitter, Instagram and @AgustoandCo on Facebook, to share your responses for a chance to win a smartphone and more!

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