Ok Check this out..
Acme Explosives Policy on Romance and Work
“We hire vibrant and sparky people here at Acme Explosives, so it isn’t surprising that some of them might end up being attracted to one another. The one thing that doesn’t work is when two people who are involved in a romantic relationship also have a reporting relationship. To put it another way, you can’t date your boss or your boss’s boss. That could easily create an unfair relationship, so if you want to date your boss or your boss wants to date you, somebody has to change jobs, either inside the company or to another company.
Apart from that, you can date whomever you like, but please keep the kissy-touchy part of the relationship out of the workplace, for everyone’s comfort. Physical displays of affection between colleagues (whether they are dating or not) are not comfortable for other people. If you want our help navigating a situation that has to do with dating or romantic attraction and your job, please talk with Carolyn in HR. She is an expert at that sort of thing.
I just wish we could expand the conversation to acknowledge that the two worlds we inhabit—the policy-and-rule-driven business world and the messy, sticky, and random human world—really aren’t as distant as we pretend they are”.
That is a company’s policy on Romance at their work place. I have often thought about why most Nigerian companies frown at relationship at work place. In fact some do not even allow same spouses work at the same work place let alone the same department. Since we spend most of our time at work and exert a larger part of our emotional side, it is not unexpected that romance and sexual attraction will develop at the work place. I hope to research on this subject some day and blog about it. For now enjoy this article;
The Truth About Sex at Work