- Ship tracking data has shown that two tankers carrying LNG from Nigeria LNG (NLNG) are due to berth at Spanish regasification terminals today, Platts reports.
- The 148,300 cu m LNG Imo vessel is due at Spain’s 11.8 Bcm/year Cartagena terminal, while the LNG Ogun – with a capacity of 149,600 cu m – is expected at the 7 Bcm/year Bilbao terminal, according to best estimates from Eclipse Energy, an analytics unit of Platts.
- On Saturday, the 156,000 cu m WilForce — which also loaded a cargo at Nigeria LNG — reached the 8.8 Bcm/year Sagunto terminal, Eclipse data showed.
- The two new confirmed arrivals will bring Spain’s total LNG imports so far this month to 960,000 cu m in eight cargoes, according to nominations from Spanish transmission system operator Enagas.
Source: Platts.com